Monday, December 17, 2012


Hello guys!

Remember my photoshoot with the ladies couple of weeks ago?
-- > behind the shots < --

well, here comes the final pictures..!
retouched and edited by Rudy Ferdianrus, surely enhance the quality of my pictures

Thanks Rud for the effort..! Hope we can have lots of projects in the future!


and before I continue to show the pictures, I just want to share something..
my hitcounts for this blog is nearly 3000! (woow, never expect to be this much!)

buttt, the number of your comments on my blog is so little..

If i count my fishes at home.. they're more than the number of your comments..
(so sadddd)

well, i actually dont expect for lots of comments and inputs that much..
its just, 
this curiosity is killing meee 

is there any one who hit my blog.. like.. 20 times a day?? 
(just to make me happy to see the stats afterwards =)
there's actually some of you (yes, you my friend) who actually like and enjoy my blog..?

well, in order to investigate that questionsss..
I will give you a new-year's souvenir..!

yes! a souvenir!

for any of you who vote (before the end of 2012) 
for the best picture below, and give me your address..

I, Kadek Bondan Mahendra 

will send you a new-year's secret souvenir..!!
how's that?

(except the one in Latvia.. dude seriously, someone there is watching me! really!)
well that's bcoz the cost for the delivery is just too much for me =)
hope you understand..

Sooo, what you need to do now is..

1. vote for these pretty ladies, and if possible.. let me know the reason..
2. send me your address with your a.k.a names, dont have to be your real name.. Im just making sure the package will be delivered. this, you can send me by any way you want.. in this blog, my FB account, my cell, etc (as long as I can receive it)

and that's it..!

and you can just wait for someone knocking your home, sending the secret souvenir..!

Okay guys!
Hihihi, Im sooo excited..! 

Miss January
Miss February

Miss March
Miss April

Miss May
Miss June

Miss July

Miss August

Miss September
Miss October

Miss November

Miss December

Hope you get excited as well..!
let's vote!



  1. Gorgeous shots,Dek! :D

    votenya boleh 2? June & August :p
    addressnya via whatsapp aja hahaha

    1. weiss vote 2 Bi..? bolehh bangettt.. alamat kantor apa rumah nih Bi..? =)

    2. kantor aja Dek kalo weekdays. ahe.

  2. Gue vote miss August dek! Runner-up miss October...
    1. Ekspresi model unik disbanding yg lainnya
    2. Komposisi pas, FG strong, BG pas buat jadi pembangkit mood

    Miss October jd runner-up soalnya menurut selera dan pendapat gue, paha atas arah pantat si model agak bulky, mungkin next time pose-nya bisa di-retake bbrp kali dan diambil yg terbaik...

    Biar fair, perlu juga pilih yg paling weak mungkin ya... Menurut opini gue, yg paling weak adalah miss February sama miss November... Yang langsung ketangkep weak-nya adalah ekspresi si model agak clash dengan tema yang menonjolkan kesan sexy dan sensual... Muka plain...

    Overall, great commercial photo portfolio! Hopefully there will be the third edition next year :)

    Alamat kirim ke kantor aja ya, biar pasti ada yg terima. Detail alamat japri whatsapp ya dek!


    1. Thanks Dito! kritikan dan pujian yang membangun..!
      ditunggu ya souvenir dan update2 blog berikutnya..!


  3. miss december!! nice vibrant color she has! ;D
