Friday, July 27, 2012


Where do you go to see the greatest bird spectacle on earth? 

The Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley. Come at the right time and you'll see the shoreline of Kenya's lakes turn bright pink as they're filled with millions of flamingos. 

The lesser flamingos (the smallest species of them) gather at these lakes to feed on the abundant blue-green algae which thrive in the warm alkaline waters. UNESCO calls it " the single most important foraging site for the lesser flamingo anywhere."

Professional wildlife photographer Martin Harvey was lucky enough to see this for himself, coming back with these amazing photos. As he told us, "To witness a concentration of birds like this is, without a doubt, one of the greatest ornithological experiences in the world. 

There is constant movement of pink as birds move about the lake in search of food or disturbance by predators. It truly is an enjoyably overwhelming wildlife experience."

Which lakes would should one actually visit? "The best place to see large numbers of flamingo is either Lake Nakuru or Lake Bogoria in Kenya," he says. "However the flamingos of East Africa move between several widely separated lakes depending on food availability. It is therefore very much a matter of luck to see a huge concentration like that in these pictures."

What does Harvey hope others will get out of these photos? "Despite their apparent large numbers, flamingo are a threatened species due to their very specific feeding and breeding requirements," he says. "As conservationists, we can only try to get people aware of this truly incredible species and hope to put pressure on governments to protect their habitat." 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


hi everyone!

finally the final color treatment for OXA has finished..!
they approved everything on schedule, and completed the payment right on-time..

that's what i call professionalism!

everyone gave their best performance and responsibility.. 
the result is? 
everyone's happy!

it's been a pleasure working with them,

client                   : OXA (watchout, triset)
agency                 : Ganeas - Abang Syarifful
director TVC       : Teddy Soeriaatmadja
photographer       : Kadek Bondan Mahendra
lighting                : Teddy S's crew
camera assistants : Okky Rahman, Faisal Waliy, Oktagon

camera                 : Hasselblad H4D, Canon 5D
digital artist         : Adnyani Dewi

and here's some of the final images :

just in-case you guys are interested to see behind the scene of this project,
here's the link

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Otto Ludwig Bettmann, born 15th October 1903 in Leipzig, was the founder of the Bettmann Archive, one of the most famous historical photograph collections from the XXth century. 

The Bettmann Archive was founded in 1936 and includes photographs going back to the American Civil War period (1861-1865), comprising some of the most famous images from the history of the United States. The archives also consist of images from Europe and elsewhere. 

Otto Ludwig Bettman was a German museum curator who emigrated to the United States in 1935, taking with him 2 trunks containing approximately 25, 000 images, most of which were negatives that he produced himself. He settled in the Tischman building on West 57th Street in New York in 1960. 

In 1981 when he sold it to the Kraus-Thomson Organization, the collection included 5 million photos, prints, posters, reproductions and other graphic supports retracing the history of the XXth century. 

In 1990 Kraus-Thomson bought 11.5 million photographic images, mostly from United Press International and Reuters. Many of them are famous like the one of Winston Churchill doing the V for victory, an astronaut on the moon, Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue and Marilyn Monroe holding down her dress above a metro air vent. 

 Otto Ludwig Bettmann passed away in Florida on 3rd May 1998. He is considered as the one who discovered the photographic resource trade.

The Real Bettmann..!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Chicago-based photographer Paul Octavious has a knack for finding unique trees that lean in odd directions. 

In this series, called Lean With It, he locates oddly slanting trees and photographs his friends leaning at parallel angles. Taken across different times of day and different seasons, the images are an intriguing question of nature and gravity. Presumably, the photographer has incredible timing and captures each angle right before his subjects fall to the ground.

Octavious got his start as a photographer while studying graphic design. 

He wanted to create images that were different from the stock images his classmates were using, and since then, he has never put the camera down! 

He creates all kinds of work and consistently has a love for photographing single objects across a long period of time.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


In (founder of The Libertine) Kate Van Raden’s own words:

Both myself and my amazing mother, were honored to participate in an article published yesterday at the kick off of Miss Representation’s ‘Keep it Real Challenge’; 

Spotlighting the influence of media and the fashion industry on the health, well-being and happiness of women and young girls in America today. 

We are both very passionate about the issue, and have committed these three days to featuring the on going discussion on our blogs. Please join us and the movement by creating your own ‘Keep it Real’ campaign (with whatever social-media platform you have access to) over the remaining two days!

Here, featured a small selection of the many many photographs of unretouched or otherwise digitally manipulated images that Kate has used to decorate her own blog posts; 

women of all shapes and sizes, free of make-up (though not necessarily tattoos, piercings, or other forms of self-expression), and just being themselves.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


This project came from a friend of friend of mine,
Thanks to Eric Liem who forwarded my profile to them (Doni and Niken).

This project was to promote Midori's new set of sushisssss,

(why i put 5 's' for the sushi..?)

here's the anwer!

You can have sooooo many sushi within one set..!
yes try one! 
Midori has lots of branches at Jakarta,
just find one that close to your place 

Meanwhile they're preparing the set,
I took my time to wander and get some inspirations..

random inspiration no.1

random inspiration no.2

Oh btw, on this project my role was a lightingperson..
So I set the light and gave some inputs for them.
Meanwhile the photographer and the food stylist were the dynamite-duo :
Doni and Niken

*so if you happen to be a fellow photographer who need an asistance for lightings set-up .. you can always contact me.. 

and here's the final result..!
nyum nyum nyummm..!!