Sunday, July 15, 2012


In (founder of The Libertine) Kate Van Raden’s own words:

Both myself and my amazing mother, were honored to participate in an article published yesterday at the kick off of Miss Representation’s ‘Keep it Real Challenge’; 

Spotlighting the influence of media and the fashion industry on the health, well-being and happiness of women and young girls in America today. 

We are both very passionate about the issue, and have committed these three days to featuring the on going discussion on our blogs. Please join us and the movement by creating your own ‘Keep it Real’ campaign (with whatever social-media platform you have access to) over the remaining two days!

Here, featured a small selection of the many many photographs of unretouched or otherwise digitally manipulated images that Kate has used to decorate her own blog posts; 

women of all shapes and sizes, free of make-up (though not necessarily tattoos, piercings, or other forms of self-expression), and just being themselves.

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