Monday, March 4, 2013


Hai Guys!

ever done any company profile projects before..?
well, if you have done any.. I'm sure you know how time-consumed it is..

knowing that obstacles,
I set a team of 3 persons for doing Tirtamarta annual Yearbook Class of 2010 :
Myself, my partner Faisal Waliy, and my new creative designer.. Kae Aliya,

I must say its a very exciting experience working with them..
Since I was their lecturer before, our communication runs very smooth during this project.
But still, one of our team was in a bit of awkwardness, having a real project with an ex-lecturer..

the photoshoot was divided by 4 sessions,
the first 2 sessions was held in epicentrum riverside, and mega kuningan..

and here's some behind the shoots of the first 2 sessions :

Faisal Waliy is the one with DSLR, and Kae Aliya is the one who's staring at you! yes you! =)
Me with my beloved red-shoes - i just have something with red shoes =)
Kae said that she took a part of this mural, but the one that she paint was in the center, sadly.. it's cropped by the door
good thing of having 2 photographers in 1 photoshoot is, one can easily spot the errors that might missed from the view-finder
this young man with checkered shirt was the man of the show! he worked his ass off arranging the permit for photoshooting, which is not easy.. his name is Carlo
if Tim Burton has stripes socks, I have this believe in colorful things that I wear to bring good-luck

kadek bondan mahendra - 2013


  1. Well done brother! You look stunning! The red shoes, jamaican colored belt, mark3 and 70-200! Welcome to your dream.. On earth!

    I look forward to seeing more of your artwork!

    1. thanks for the compliment brah..!
      Im sure you'll be seing lots of new artworks to come this year..!
