Wednesday, August 1, 2012


as i surf around..
i found this very interesting interview from Stefan Sagmeister..

the whole interview is talking about his life and work,
here's part of the interview that im interested the most.. 

which type of project has given you the most satisfaction?
well the cop-out answer would be projects for good clients who have good products or good services.

that could be CD packaging for a band that I love or for people who are kind or a pleasure to work with, or smarter than me so I can learn something.

projects where I have the guts to work on them hard enough so that they become good in my eyes,
they always tend to be more rewarding than the ones where I was lazy.

and your studio is small...
we very purposefully remain small. we started in 1993 and there would have been many opportunities to grow through the nineties.

other than not being involved with the size of branding I definately think that a small studio only has advantages (apart from not being involved with the branding projects).

to keep the studio small was actually advice i received from tibor kalman.

do yo have any advice for the young?
try to be a good person and work your ass off

what are you afraid of regarding the future?
hmm (thinks) not much, I wouldn't call myself a very gutsy person but I can't say that I am scared of anything regarding the future... not at all.

I think that it's going to be fine. humanity adapts to all kinds of situations, and right now I think
is a good time to be alive.

and here's one set of his (art)work :

apparently, he had a talk in TED (ideas worth spreading) about 'Happiness by Design'..
its a very enlightening talk, you won't regret to spend 15 minutes of your time to watch him here :

enjoy =)
