Thursday, May 30, 2013


and... Actionnn!

normally I only say, 'Camera Rolling..!'
and my focus set only on the display screen of my camera..

but this time, I have to set my focus on EVERYTHING on the location set..!
that's because I got a challenge from my loyal client : Roppongi Papa
to produce their video-training for  their staffs, which have a quite high number of turn-over..

and so, this is my first assignment as a Video Director..!

at first everything looks very complicated and heavy.. but after all the team members are gathered, things are getting firm and steady..

We got :

- Fian as Assistant Director
- Aftermoments as Video Camera Team (Tobias, Ino, Hero, Boy)
- Waliy as Photographer, with Ibnu as his assistant
- Benno as Line Producer
- Syarif as Talent Coordinator
- Restu as Make-up Artist
- and myself as Producer and Director

its quite a packed team,
an efficient one..!


There will always first steps in everything we do right..?
and this assignment definitely is my 'another' first step in broadening my carrier-landscape..
I guess it's my nature to always moving forward from my comfort-zone



btw, all talents are professionals.. so please do not get misunderstood for this is just the act of this project.

Aftermoments team did a creative solution for lighting-up the set with an umbrella diffuser.

Ino suggesting some additional shots

Setting up the first shot

Waliy, the big guy.. is the one who documented this video project.. for his job has done several days before

5D is more than enough

very cooperative talents!
Benno in blue shirt and Syarif in grey

Tobias, looking very focused

at this moment the monitor is off, so i have to check straight to the camera

the secret : give them some booze to get more actions

This is the only picture where Fian is smilling.. the rest, he looks very tensed..! hahaha

C . O . L . O . N . G . A . N

Pak Dwi, talent and set manager

Hero, the guy on the right have to fill the vacant role of the talent.. because the real one is absent, but he seems to enjoy it =) 

Kadek Bondan Mahendra - 2013


  1. seru kliatannya Dek! *ikutan dong hahaha :p
    congrats on accomplishing the challenge! :D

    1. Our arms are wide open Bi..!!
      (aga serem ya.. hehehe)

      many thanks for the wishes Bi..
      ayo dong, kapan2 kita kolaborasi =)

  2. Wuiiiiiihhhh, another step to the next level... And yet I do think you already realize that its an optical illusion of never ending ladder climb... The key is collaboration and gain success with others, not above others... Congratulations dek! Can't wait to see the result =D

    Take it as a challenge, accomplished it as a wonderful collective journey...

    1. It is truly a wonderful collective journey..
      and that's always be the reason why I love doing it so much!

      many thanks for the uplifting comments To!
