Friday, February 1, 2013


Hello everyone!

have you ever heard about 'rainbow family'..?
its some-kind of community where people who share same belief in love and equality gathers,

all humans are equal and should reject all kind of violence,
that's what the very basic understanding from what I read so far about this community.

I couldn't more agree with that,

but im not gonna talk about all those stuffs now,
what i want to share is a set of portraits i found a long time ago.

it mesmerized me instantly when i look closely into these portraits,
there's something unexplainable about these pictures..

some-kind of a balance between strengths and softness's..

i have used these pictures as part of my lecture whenever i have a photography class for many times,
but still, i couldn't get tired of these amazing portraits..


all photos courtesy Benoit Paillé

one of the member of the rainbow family.. hmmmmmm.. he seems so familiar.. dont you think so? =)

kadek bondan mahendra - 2013


  1. Deks, teksnya a bit hard to read... :D
    coba kasi layer transparan agak gelap biar easier to read..

    *numpang lewat*

    interesting article btw :D

    1. udah dicoba Bi.. pilihannya cuma ada warna ngeblok buat backgroundnya,


      ga ada yg transparan..

      anyway, will try to improve it..!
      thanks for the input..!
